



KESPRINT is an international consortium of scientists devoted to the detection and characterization of transiting exoplanets found by space-based missions, and was formed from the 2017 merger of the KEST and ESPRINT teams. KESPRINT brings together scientists with a wide range of expertise in light curve analysis, transit detection, radial velocity measurements, spectral analysis, and theoretical interpretation in order to detect, characterize, and understand exoplanetary systems. We are organised into several working groups, namely planet detection, follow-up observations, modelling, and atmospheric characterization. Our Steering Committee is elected annually and is currently chaired by Szilárd Csizmadia.


Simon Albrecht Oscar Barragán Paul Beck
Juan Cabrera Ilaria Carleo William D. (Bill) Cochran
Szilard Csizmadia Fei Dai Hans Deeg
Jerome de Leon Michael Endl Anders Erikson
Massimiliano Esposito Malcolm Fridlund Davide Gandolfi
Iskra Georgieva Sascha Grziwa Eike W. Guenther
Artie P. Hatzes Teruyuki Hirano Marshall C. Johnson
Petr Kabath Peter Klagyivik Emil Knudstrup
Judith Korth Kristine Lam John Livingston
Rafael Luque Savita Mathur Felipe Murgas
Norio Narita Grzegorz Nowak Enric Palle
Martin Pätzold Carina M. Persson Heike Rauer
Seth Redfield Luisa Maria Serrano Marek Skarka
Alexis M. S. Smith Ján Šubjak Vincent Van Eylen